Countermeasures in the Agricultural Sector
To offset the WTO's possible negative impacts on Taiwan's agriculture, the COA has actively promoted various sector-adjustment policies and implemented various countermeasures before and after Taiwan's entry to the WTO. Some of the efforts are summarized below:
1. Implementation of structural adjustments and compensations to the sub-sectors that were affected by the imported goods: In pursuance to the regulation for redressing damage to agri-producers caused by agricultural imports, the COA has introduced various structural adjustments and relief measures in the sub-sectors of rice, fruits, tea, pig, poultry, dairy cattle, and aquaculture. Other measures include transition for a development of sustainable offshore and coastal fishery, adjustment of and training of agricultural labor force, quarantine measures for animals and plants, destruction of illegally imported agricultural goods, and promotion of agricultural goods in the international markets.
2. Price stabilization of the agri-products: Drew up measures to make intervention purchase at the guaranteed price for any of the 55 domestic agri-products such as rice, garlic, banana, coconut, adzuki bean, peanut, cabbage, pig, tilapia, etc. when their market prices fall below 95% of the direct production costs, so as to stabilize the market prices and minimize the producers' loss.
3. Strengthening of the marketing-oriented value-chain: Established the market-oriented elite agricultural production and marketing system to promote agri-food business, create elite fishery environment, and increase competitiveness of livestock industry.
4. Refinement of sanitary management of agri-products: Promoted safe production and supply system, maintained Taiwan free from major diseases and insects, and continued efforts to eliminate the foot and mouth disease.
5. Reinforcement of innovative agricultural research and development (R&D): Developed elite varieties of agronomic and horticultural crops, promoted public-private collaborative projects, and implemented the COA's measures on the intellectual property rights of agricultural R&D outputs. In addition, established agricultural biotechnology parks to lead an integration of agricultural biotechnology and industry, speeded up the formation of agricultural science-based industrial clusters, and expanded value-added products for exportation.
6. Promotion of international marketing of agri-products: Continued implementing programs on international marketing of agri-products, eliminated exporting tariffs and non-tariff barriers of agri-products, established international market-oriented supply chains, provided information on international markets, and developed human resources and other related measures to lay the foundation for a sustainable exportation of Taiwan's superior agri-products.
7. Improvement of the welfare for the farmers and fishermen: Distributed old-age farmers' welfare allowance, provided scholarship for farmers' and fishermen's dependents, reduced lending rates for agricultural projects, and expanded policy-oriented agricultural project loans.