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1. The Legislative Yuan completed its third reading of the “Rural Regeneration Act.”

2. An amended version of Article 16 of the “Regulations on Recreational Fisheries” was announced.

3. Amendments were announced to the “Regulations on the Management of Fishing Vessels and Crews in Foreign Fishing Bases.”

4. The “Permit Review Directions for Afforestation Incentives” were promulgated.

5. The COA declared grape farms in Miaoli County eligible to apply for single-crop low-rate loans following natural disasters affecting agriculture.

6. A seminar was held, which included the ROC President and representatives of the agricultural sector, labor, and industry, to discuss the gains from the signing of ECFA. Industries benefitting from ECFA discussed their experiences, and the government reiterated its case that ECFA is positive for Taiwan’s economy and global position.

7. A press conference was held in Tokyo, Japan to celebrate the first shipment of dragon fruit to Japan and to market premium-quality tropical fruits. Also, a “Taiwan Fruit and Vegetable Festival” was held there, aiming to ensure Japanese that Taiwan fruits and vegetables are safe to consume.

8. Measures were taken to adjust the market for, and stablilize the price of, free-range chickens.

9. A number of adjustment measures were taken to stabilize the market for Chinese pears, and farmers’ associations in the major production areas for Chinese pears were assisted to export their products.

10. Measures were taken with respect to domestic sales, export, and processing of bananas, to stabilize the market for this fruit.

11. A conference was held to discuss monitoring and control of invasive species, in order to raise understanding among citizens of the severe risks posed by invasive species to Taiwan’s ecological systems.

12. Inspectors from Japan and Korea were invited to Taiwan to undertake inspection and quarantine procedures and ensure that fresh fruit exports from Taiwan meet the relevant import regulations of those nations.

13. The COA set up an Agro-Biotechnology Booth at BioTaiwan 2010. The booth displayed the multiple applications of biotechnology in the “Quality Agriculture Development Program.”

14. A training exercise was undertaken to strengthen preparations for clearing away and collecting driftwood in the event of a natural disaster.

15. Work was completed on a comprehensive information platform for promotion of the “Small Landlords, Large Tenants” policy. The platform incorporates information from the agricultural land trading platforms of farmers associations and from the government’s food management system, greatly simplifying the process of matching landlords and tenants.