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III. Strengthening of the debris flow prevention system

  1. To strengthen debris-flow prevention, emergency management and debris-flows forecasts, the database on the potential debris-flow torrents was updated regularly, the mechanism for revising the alerts list of potential debris-flow torrents established, the debris-flow warning baseline revised (using the cumulative rainfall of 250-550 mm for 70 percent probability of debris flow as the baseline), and the warning procedure instituted for the local governments to follow. The warning system includes two levels; yellow areas have high potential and red areas have very high potential. And the Central Weather Bureau’s high-resolution quantitative precipitation estimation and quantitative precipitation forecast system (HRQ2) was employed to facilitate the issuance of precise debris-flow warnings. Moreover, a mobile debris-flow observation platform was established. This platform uses the matrix system (using east and west sides of the country as x columns, and north, center, south, Hualien and Taitung of the country as y rows) as operation module to expand the extent and depth of the monitoring.
  2. The COA trained recruits from potential debris flow areas as specialists to assist in related operations. For 2007, 254 volunteers were trained to make a cumulative total of 1,158 since the inception of the program in 2005. During the year, 47 evacuation routes were mapped out, 43 evacuation drills carried out, and 169 prevention advocacy meetings conducted. In addition, self-check mechanisms were instituted in 36 communities near the potential debris flow torrents for instant response in case of emergency. All of these efforts are to effectively reduce the loss of lives and properties in the event of debris-flow disasters.