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  1. The 2007 awarding ceremony for the ten outstanding farmers took place.
  2. Flow charts of Taiwan Good Agricultural Practices were announced for seven livestock and poultry products such as pig, broiler chicken, native chicken, chicken egg, duck, goose, and duck egg.
  3. Flow charts of Taiwan Good Agricultural Practices were announced for rice and organic rice.
  4. Flow charts of Taiwan Good Agricultural Practices have announced 32 organic plant foods such as tea, banana, citruses, sugar apple, guava, star fruit, atemoya, pineapple, papaya, red date, etc.
  5. A step-wise cessation of using foot and mouth disease vaccine was initiated.
  6. Special projects were launched to encourage purchase of Taiwan’s quality fruits and surplus bananas among public and private sectors.
  7. Imports of apples from New Zealand were returned after the codling moth larva was found in the shipment. Hence, the COA has notified New Zealand government to stop shipping apples to Taiwan before their quarantine measures are improved.
  8. Training workshops were conducted to introduce the advanced methodologies in the prevention of debris flows, and the evacuation plans in the event of their occurrences.
  9. The Master Gardener Project 2007 with 85 training workshops for more than 3,000 trainees was launched.
  10. Training workshops were conducted at different locations for the agricultural credit operations and the management of overdue loans.
  11. The first round of detailed negotiations for the free trade agreement between Taiwan and Panama took place.