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Promoting the "New Agricultural Plan" and Action Program in the "Golden Corridor"

  In 2012 the ROC government launched a major development blueprint entitled "Golden Decade National Vision." The COA's role in this is entitled " LOHAS Agriculture," a broad term under which the COA aims to make the agricultural sector more diversified, healthful and sustainable. As part of this broad principle, the COA decided to create a "Golden Corridor," using a belt of land running along the High Speed Railway, as a model demonstration zone for sustainable agriculture. The COA drafted general plans as well as a specific action program for this corridor, and submitted the action plan to the Executive Yuan on December 13, 2013 for approval.

  First priority will be given to an eight-year program (2013-2020) to deal with land and water resources severely affected by land subsidence in the counties of Yunlin and Changhua, so that these resources can be used in a sustainable, environmentally harmonious way. The length of the program was determined by taking into account the agricultural environment and existing policy resources in the Yunlin-Changhua area. The main area in which this program will be implemented within 1.5 kilometers on both sides of the High Speed Railway in the southern part of Changhua County and in Yunlin County. Depending upon the special features and development needs of local agriculture, the main goals will be reducing water consumption, making agriculture more environmentally friendly, and increasing farmers' incomes. The COA will adopt tailor-made agricultural guidance strategies in hopes of making the local rural economy more dynamic, and developing agriculture that improves production, quality of life, and the environment at the same time.

  The Golden Corridor program has four main objectives: (i) developing agriculture that consumes less water, (ii) raising farmers' incomes, (iii) increasing national food self-sufficiency, and (iv) promoting diversified development of the rural economy. The main axis is the promotion of water-saving agriculture.

  There are three strategic themes: (a) new technologies (development of agricultural cloud technology, promotion of sophisticated irrigation systems over 1000 hectares of land, extension services to five plant factories, guidance in construction of seven water-saving livestock buildings); (b) new farmers (strengthening the Farmers Academy system, training 1650 "IT-smart" farmers, promoting the "Small Landlords, Big Tenants" program), and (c) new industries (guidance in transforming 2000 hectares from wet paddy to dry-land crops, promotion of 84,000 visits in the local rural leisure and tourism industry, three projects to construct agricultural value chains, extension services for 36 hectares of facility agriculture). We are working from multiple angles to give new impetus to more efficient use of resources in the local rural economy, and are providing a variety of incentives to attract farmers to participate.

  Implementation of the Golden Corridor program will have an impact in many different areas. In addition to helping to alleviate the problem of land subsidence, it will also drive R&D in agro-technology, raise industrial competitiveness, encourage the rise of a diversified employment market, reduce unemployment, and raise national food self- sufficiency. It is estimated that the program will reduce water use by 24 million tons per year. It will also drive investment and development in local agriculture and increase dynamism in the local economy.

  The COA has been providing comprehensive guidance, covering everything from agricultural production, technology and techniques, and sales and marketing, to lifestyles and quality of life. As of the end of 2014, the program had achieved the following results:

● Types of crops: The COA has guided the transition to dry-land crops over 128.3 hectares and to organic farming on 25.3 hectares; processed applications for construction of (a) water-saving greenhouse (or net) facilities on 10.1 hectares, and (b) of 5.9 hectares of horticulture irrigation systems that reduce use of both water and fertilizer; promoted the "Small Landlord, Big Tenants" system for cultivation of forage crops on 86 hectares; constructed three demonstration mobile plant factories.

● Agricultural irrigation: The COA has improved 43.2 kilometers of the local water canal system, and processed applications for 37.9 hectares of water- saving irrigation systems.

● Livestock: There are two new sites with new-style hog-raising facilities, and three sites (livestock ranches) with waste-water recycling and re-use facilities.

● Aquaculture: The COA has provided guidance in the construction of water-recycling fish-pond facilities over 2.8 hectares. ● Other: We have also implemented five projects in "community regeneration to create low-carbon neighborhoods that use less water and conserve water resources"; held four courses on life improvement for seniors; conducted two sessions of seminars and training for the transition from agriculture to the rural leisure and tourism industry, and held three activities for marketing, exhibition, and promotion of agro-products.

  During the entire project period, there will be constant "rolling" re-evaluations, and the plan will be adjusted according to the situation on the ground. In the future, this corridor zone will be a demonstration area of the COA's "LOHAS Agriculture" concept, and successful experiments will be extended to other areas with water shortages.