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Taiwan and Lithuania continue to deepen agricultural trade and cooperation with a focus on optimal models for sustainable agriculture


In order to expand agricultural trade and technology exchanges between Taiwan and Lithuania, Dr. Wen-jane Tu, the Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) in Taiwan and Mr. Vytenis Tomkus, ViceMinister in the Ministry of Agriculture of Lithuania, jointly convened the 2nd Taiwan-Lithuania Agricultural Working Group (AWG) Meeting on May 6th. Constance H. Wang, Taiwan’s Representative in Lithuania, and Paulius Lukauskas, Lithuania’s Representative to Taiwan, attended and delivered remarks at the event. Moreover, this marks the first visit of Taiwan’s MOA to Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. Both sides focused on exchanging agricultural policies and sought cooperation on innovative technology, market access, and trade development activities. All the aforementioned aspects of collaboration help deepen bilateral cooperation, trade, and investment in the agricultural sector between the two countries.


The MOA states that in addition to discussions on agriproduct trade and marketing, the 2nd AWG Meeting engaged in dialogue in three major areas: germplasm cooperation, low-carbon cultivation technology, and processing technology. Furthermore, exchanges on climate change-related issues were conducted. In particular, Lithuania shared its no-till low-carbon cultivation technology, which will be an important aspect of the European experience that Taiwan will draw on in the long-term refinement of the cultivation system. Meanwhile, Taiwan shared its policy for reducing the use of pesticides along with breeding and cultivation technology for heat-resistant plant varieties to deal with extreme weather. The two sides explored optimal models for sustainable agriculture.


An MOA delegation also visited Leafood, an agribusiness that has introduced vertical farming technology from Taiwan into Lithuania. This firm, a Taiwanese-Lithuanian joint venture, operates the largest vertical vegetable farm in all of Europe. It is the concrete product of the introduction of Taiwanese innovative technology and agribusiness into the year-round vegetable supply chain in Vilnius. It also makes a contribution toward the extension of agricultural technology from Taiwan into other European countries and the construction of a smarter and more resilient agricultural production environment in that continent.


The MOA relates that last year (2023) Taiwan and Lithuania signed a “Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Agriculture” in Taipei and convened the 1st AWG Meeting. This led to nearly the doubling of exports of prepared products made with Taiwan syrup and other foods to Lithuania, while sales of Lithuanian pet food to Taiwan also almost doubled. Additionally, organic agriproducts from Lithuaniareceived approval from Taiwan, paving the way for future export. These facts indicate that Taiwan-Lithuania agricultural dialogue and cooperation are increasing the understanding that government agencies and industries have of market demand and scale in the two countries, thereby making possible an expansion in bilateral trade and cooperation in agriproducts. The ministries of agriculture in Taiwan and Lithuania are furthermore looked at as important partners for mutual collaboration in accessing markets in the European Union and Indo-Pacific region. Through this most recent (2nd) AWG Meeting, cooperation in development of agricultural technology and regulatory harmonization were strengthened. The two sides also explored the trade opportunities for fresh and processed agriproducts as well as elderly-friendly and functional products from Taiwan, with the aim of creating even more value-added for agribusinesses in the two countries.


The MOA emphasizes that, faced with the difficult challenges of fluctuations in the global economic environment and climate change, it is imperative to upgrade the competitiveness and resilience of agriculture. Taiwan and Lithuania, sharing the values of freedom and democracy and respecting diversified market mechanisms, are committed to deepening cooperation and building trust and collaborative relations. Drawing on their different experiences in agricultural production environments and agricultural science and technology, both nations aim to accelerate growth in R&D capabilities. This effort will encourage mutually beneficial cooperation and exchanges, ultimately fostering the development of smart and resilient sustainable agriculture.

Following the “2nd Taiwan-Lithuania Agricultural Working Group Meeting,” the deputy ministers of agriculture, representatives of the two ministries of agriculture, and members of issue-focused units posed for this group photo.

Following the “2nd Taiwan-Lithuania Agricultural Working Group Meeting,” the deputy ministers of agriculture, representatives of the two ministries of agriculture, and members of issue-focused units posed for this group photo.

The “2nd Taiwan-Lithuania Agricultural Working Group Meeting” was jointly presided over by Dr. Wen-jane Tu (below, right), Deputy Minister in Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture, and Mr. Vytenis Tomkus (left), ViceMinister in the Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture.

The “2nd Taiwan-Lithuania Agricultural Working Group Meeting” was jointly presided over by Dr. Wen-jane Tu (below, right), Deputy Minister in Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture, and Mr. Vytenis Tomkus (left), ViceMinister in the Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture.

A delegation from Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture visited Leafood, an agribusiness that has introduced Taiwanese vertical farming technology into Lithuania.

A delegation from Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture visited Leafood, an agribusiness that has introduced Taiwanese vertical farming technology into Lithuania.