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1. The COA revised the "Transferred Farmland Acceptance License Guidelines for Farmers' Groups, Agricultural Corporate Organizations, and Agricultural Experimental Research Organizations."

2. The COA held panel discussions on the development of farming and fishing in southern and central Taiwan.

3. The COA conducted plant and animal disease control, quarantine, drug, and meat inspection seminars.

4. The COA implemented the 2004 Quarantine on Mangoes and Lichees Export to Japan.

5. The COA conducted emergency alert training sessions for debris flow emergency contact persons.

6. The COA performed an overall random test of organic fields and organic products on the market. The COA also instituted a mechanism for strengthening the responsibility of certification organizations and producers, and designed a common organic certification mark.

7. Taiwan was selected as the leading nation of the APEC fisheries working group. The COA Fisheries Agency Deputy Director Hsieh Ta-wen was appointed as the chairman.

8. The COA conducted training classes to improve the quality of public-owned building construction, and held basic training classes for public construction supervisory staff.

9. The COA revised the "Chinese Crewmen Identity Certificate Application and Approval Operating Guidelines."

10. The COA held an extension service technology workshop on water-saving pipe irrigation.

11. The COA assisted the National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital to establish a 24-hour veterinary service center.

12. The COA assisted Kaohsiung Hsiaokang District Fishermen's Association and Kaohsiung Regional Fishermen's Association to establish temporarily fishing crew shelters.

13. The COA allocated NT$685.33 million scholarship grants to the children of farmers and fishermen.