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Chapter 10: Establishing a promotional platform and encouraging public interest in agriculture

 At first glance, agriculture may bring to mind farming, forestry, fishery, and livestock, but it also plays an integral role in our lives and our environment, affecting each and every one of us. Our effort to create a healthy, efficient and sustainable agricultural sector benefits all parts of Taiwanese society. The COA’s policies protect consumer’s safety, increase production efficiency, and establish an operating model that allows agriculture and environmentalism to exist together in harmony. In order to protect agricultural development and the livelihoods of those working in the industry, the COA has established a media dissemination platform, to better promote agricultural policies through a variety of media channels and bring agriculture into the daily lives of all Taiwanese people.

(1) Establishing a policy marketing strategy

 A policy marketing unit composed of marketing specialists from a variety of departments was formed to provide public relations consulting. The unit developed innovative strategies for packaging and marketing our activities and achievements for a wide range of audiences. Using the existing media platform established by the COA, we highlighted accomplishments and increased the visibility of the COA and its policies.

(2) Agricultural policy promotion

 In 2009, the COA held a total of 73 press conferences and published 402 press releases to increase public understanding of agricultural policies and encourage all citizens to participate in and enjoy agriculture in their daily lives. In addition, the COA also held a series of activities as detailed below:

1.    The Green the World tree planting activity was held to maintain a healthy, sustainable environment and beautify rural villages. The COA seeks to enable the public to help green Taiwan and do their part to protect the environment.

2.    The COA held the Shennong Awards ceremony, named after a Chinese farming deity, to encourage and recognize excellence among Taiwanese farmers. This year, this highest agricultural honor was bestowed on 10 winners and 12 other outstanding farmers. Award recipients’ achievements show the unlimited potential of Taiwanese agriculture and serve as examples to others in the industry. To reward those who have made contributions to the areas of forestry and environmental protection, the COA held the 2009 Arbor Day Festival, where the 2008 model communities, 2008 Taiwan Sustainable Development Award winning communities and local organizations, 2008 outstanding forest protection rangers, 2008 outstanding national forest volunteers, and 2008 outstanding national forest recreation areas were recognized. Awards were handed out to 44 people, groups, and communities in front of an audience composed of over 200 members of the forestry industry.

 We also held a tribute to the Debris Flow Disaster Prevention Specialists who rendered impressive service during the Typhoon Morakot landslide evacuation and aftermath. These 35 personnel and 82 specialists, who had been trained by the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, were honored for their help to evacuate 9,100 residents, greatly reducing potential injuries or death. This selfless group of unpaid volunteers enthusiastically checked rain levels in remote areas and actively reported their findings. Above and beyond their duties, these men and women even helped to evacuate residents, assisting in situations where technology alone was not enough, when only the human touch would do. They have provided a great contribution to the development and protection of Taiwan’s agricultural industry.

3. The COA promulgated the Quality Agriculture Development Program to upgrade the industry. One of the policy’s focuses is LOHAS Agriculture, which aims to develop agro-tourism and quality agricultural products. Agro-tourism involves forest hikes, fishing, whale watching, and visiting farming villages. The COA held a series of events throughout the island to spotlight Taiwan’s abundant agricultural tourism opportunities.

4. In order to develop safe agricultural practices and promote Taiwan’s exceptional agricultural products, the COA held a series of Healthy Agriculture events highlighting new, healthy ways of eating. These events encourage people to purchase high-quality, safe, healthy domestic agricultural products for their own wellbeing and the long-term sustainability of Taiwan’s agricultural sector.