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Main Agricultural Policy Aims for 2013

Promote healthful, efficient, sustainable agriculture for the whole people; prepare agriculture to cope with trade liberalization; promote internationalization of agriculture; diversify the types of economic activities that make up the rural economy, and build a manpower structure that suits the needs of the new rural economy; maximize the multi-functional values of agriculture; create rural communities based on young farmers, revitalization of local culture and identity, high competitiveness, healthful agriculture, and sustainability.

Build a food-security and risk-management mechanism and ensure stability of food supplies; encourage more diversified use of rice and promote more rice consumption; adjust the cultivation system and expand cultivation of import-substitution crops; revitalize the use of fallow cropland; continue to promote the “Small Landlords, Big Tenants” program and enlarge the scale of farming; attract young people back to farming; provide incentives for elderly farmers to retire and make their land available.

Play a leading role in the creation of “dedicated production zones” and construction of “chains of value” for rural industries; promote the use of sustainable agricultural methods and continue to develop organic agriculture; continue to build the “seamless management system” for agro-product safety, strengthen controls over agro-chemicals and veterinary medicines and ensure that they are used safely, and promote better management of animal and plant health; continue to promote labeling systems for product quality, testing, safety, and place of origin; deepen value-added of the Taiwan brand name as well as of the labeling and certification systems used to differentiate premium agro-products in the marketplace.

Promote innovative research and development (R&D) of agro-technology as well as its transfer to commercial enterprises; bring agro-technology together with green energy to develop agricultural methods that use less energy and produce lower carbon emissions; strengthen international collaboration and exchange in agro-technology and also develop new commercial opportunities to export agro-technology; protect intellectual property rights (IPRs), assure security of research results achieved in Taiwan, and protect the competitive advantages gained through IPRs and R&D.

Utilize new information technologies, organize and collate digital information and research data for agriculture, and promote diversified information services to make this information readily available to those who need it; build a modernized production-and-sales information system to allow producers to be constantly informed of the supply-and-demand situation; strengthen early-warning systems for market imbalances and strengthen adjustment mechanisms to maintain stability in the production and sale of agro-products.

Actively participate in bilateral and multilateral international trade negotiations to protect the rights and interests of Taiwan’s agriculture; promote bilateral agricultural exchanges and participate in international organizations; maximize Taiwan’s international visibility; deploy resources toward marketing of agro-products on the global stage; expand business development in the market of mainland China.

Promote responsible fisheries operations; fully implement conservation and management of coastal fisheries resources; actively participate in international fisheries management organizations and protect Taiwan’s superior position and fish quotas for our deep-sea fisheries industry; assist aquaculture production areas through construction of new or improved water-supply and drainage systems; ensure rational use of water and land resources; promote revitalization and economic diversification at fishing harbors, create a modernized fishing industry that includes a tourism-and-leisure component.

Upgrade the effectiveness of inspection and quarantine of plants and animals for both import and export; improve the management of plant and animal health and safety; promote the broader use of high-efficiency, high-quality production systems for livestock and poultry, strengthen testing of animal feed for quality and safety, promote the use of new types of controlled-environment livestock and poultry enclosures, and build modernized meat-product markets and sales channels; effectively implement management measures for household pets and strengthen protection of animal welfare.

Ensure fair and correct implementation of the welfare benefit (pension) for elderly farmers, farmers health insurance, education subsidies for children of farmers and fishermen whose children are studying in university or senior high school, and natural-disaster relief funds for agriculture; map out rural income-support measures that conform to international norms; ensure economic security for the rural population.

Upgrade operational efficiency at farmers’ and fishermen’s associations and improve their services to their members; strengthen management measures for agricultural finance and ensure maintenance of financial order in the agricultural sector; promote policy-based agricultural special-case loans; build, and extend access to, a common platform for a nation- wide agricultural financial data and information.

Strengthen agricultural training and extension systems, continue to promote systematic training through the Farmers Academy, and cultivate a new generation of professional farmers; market boutique agro-products and cultural handicrafts, develop rural cuisines and specialty products, and market themed agro-tours; promote internationalization of the rural leisure industry.

Improve the irrigation association organizational system works; upgrade irrigation facilities, efficiently utilize water resources, and provide a pollution-free and stable supply of water for irrigation; do surveys and construct up-to-date mechanisms for classifying/categorizing land, strengthen land-use management, and protect and maintain superior-grade farmland.

Continue to promote rural rejuvenation and enhance the capability of rural communities to do locally-initiated bottom-up development; energize rural industries and strengthen infrastructure in rural communities; ensure implementation of policies to protect and enhance rural scenery and rural cultural traditions, as well as strengthen new educational and cultural activities; provide care and guidance to rural communities, and create new hope and new possibilities for living in rural areas.

Promote comprehensive control measures in mountain areas and slopeland to prevent (or minimize the impact of) natural disasters; speed up the pace of management and control of watershed areas and strengthen capabilities to prevent flooding; ensure that the debris- flow (landslide) disaster-prevention network operates soundly, and strengthen monitoring and control measures for debris flow in mountain and slopeland areas.

Promote afforestation; ensure that forest protection and management is properly enforced; construct woodlands in plains areas; continue to extend the nation’s hiking trail system and develop forest eco-tourism; maintain biodiversity of local species.