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Crop Production

  1. Rice
    (1) Grand Total xlspdfods
    (2) Japonica Rice xlspdfods
    (3) India Rice xlspdfods
    (4) India Rice (Long) xlspdfods
    (5) Glutinous Rice of Japonica Type xlspdfods
    (6) Glutinous Rice of India Type xlspdf ods
  2. Coarse Grain
    (1) Feed Corn, Food Corn, Swee Potatoes and Peanuts xlspdfods
    (2) Sorghum, Adzuki Beans, Soybeans and Others xlspdf ods
  3. Special Crops
    (1) Sugar-cane(Refined)、Sugar-cane(Fresh) xlspdfods
    (2) Tea, Tobacco, Sesame and Others xlspdf ods
  4. Vegetables
    (1) Total xlspdfods
    (2) Radishes, Carrots, Other Root Vegetables and Ginger xlspdfods
    (3) Taros, Scallion, Potatoes and Onions xlspdfods
    (4) Garlic, Garlic Bulbs, Water Bamboo and Leek xlspdfods
    (5) Bamboo Shoot, Asparagus, Others Stem Vegetables and Chinese Mustard xlspdfods
    (6) Chinese Cabbage xlspdfods
    (7) Cabbage xlspdfods
    (8) Leaf Mustard, Water Convolvulus, Celery and Others Leaf Vegetables xlspdfods
    (9) Cauliflower xlspdfods
    (10) Day Lily, Oriental Pickling Melons, Cucumbers and White Gourds xlspdfods
    (11) Bitter Gourds, Eggplants ,Tomatoes and Peppers xlspdfods
    (12) Yard-long Beans, Peas, Vegetable Soybeans, Other Fruit Vegetables and Melons xlspdfods
    (13) Watermelons xlspdfods
    (14) Cantaloupesxlspdfods
    (15) Strawberries, Mushroom and Shiitakexlspdf ods
  5. Fruits
    (1) Total, Bananas xlspdf ods
    (2) Pineapples, Ponkans xlspdf ods
    (3) Tankans, Wentan Pomelos xlspdf ods
    (4) Pai Pomelos, Liuchengs xlspdf ods
    (5) Lemons, Other Citrus xlspdfods
    (6) Longans, Mangos xlspdfods
    (7) Betel Nuts, Guavas xlspdfods
    (8) Wax Apples, Grapes xlspdfods
    (9) Loquats, Plums xlspdfods
    (10) Peaches, Persimmons xlspdfods
    (11) Japanese Apricot, Lichees xlspdfods
    (12) Carambolas, Pears xlspdfods
    (13) Apples, Papayas xlspdfods
    (14) Jujubes, Sugar Apples xlspdfods
    (15) Coconuts, Others xlspdf ods
  6. Ornamental Plants
    (1) Cut Flowers xlspdfods
    (2)Cut Flowers (Cont'd), Orchid, Bulbs, Herbaceous Flower Seeds, Nurseries and Potted Flowers xlspdf ods
  7. Forage Crops
    Pangola Grass, Napier Grass and Others xlspdf ods
  8. Green Manure Crops
    (1) Sesbania Sesbeans, Soybeans and Velvet Beans xlspdfods
    (2) Crotataria, Rape, Tephrosia, Ber Seem Clover, Soybeans, Other Single Sowing and Other Mixed Sowing xlspdf ods